Recruitment Master - Employee Hiring Laravel Portal


  • Job Seeker
  • Manage Resume
  • Job Provider
  • Administrator
  • Job Search

Employer / Company

In this section all the employers and companies will able to manage the entire recruitment process. Every employer will have his own panel to manage job posting process. Like- skills, experience, number of positions, opening and closing date.

Employer’s (Companies) can perform following action:

  • Free Registration
  • Edit profile
  • Employer Packages
  • Post Jobs
  • Manage Posted Jobs
  • Edit or Delete Jobs
  • Manage Applied Candidates
  • Shortlist Candidates
  • Manage Shortlised candidates
  • Search Resume
  • Filter Resume
  • View Candidates Profile
  • Download Resumes
  • View Followers
  • Send Message to Candidates
  • View Messages from Candidates


The administrator module having all privileges about this entire project, he can update, delete, and modify the details about job seeker, employer, CMS, Job attributes, Admin users etc. Administrator maintain the client and job seeker database, where ever client is releasing their requirements( vacancies) with particular primary skills and experience, on that time administrator search for job seekers, who are having that primary skills and experience.

  • Manage Jobs
  • Admin users
  • Manage Companies
  • Manage Seekers
  • Manage Content Pages
  • Manage SEO
  • Manage FAQ
  • Manage Blog
  • Manage Testimonials
  • Manage Site Languages
    1. Manage locations
    2. Countries
    3. Countries Detail
    4. States
    5. Cities
  • Manage Employer Packages
  • Manage Seeker Packages
  • Manage Site Settings
  • Manage Job Attributes
    1. Language Levels
    2. Career Levels
    3. Functional Areas
    4. Genders
    5. Industries
    6. Job Experiences
    7. Job Skills
    8. Job Titles
    9. Job Types
    10. Job Shifts
    11. Degree Levels
    12. Degree Types
    13. Major Subjects
    14. Result Types
    15. Marital Statuses
    16. Ownership Types
    17. Salary Periods

Job Search

This module having all current vacant jobs, experience and which client offering that vacancy.

Job Seeker

This module contains details about Job Seeker, i.e. employee or un-employee details. Like employee name, email, experience. Here employee can do update, modify and delete. He can update experience and skills, portfolio and education details also.

After registration job seeker can perform following actions:

  • Free Registration
  • Created Profile
  • Edit profile
  • Create Online Resume
    1. Add Projects
    2. Add Experience
    3. Add Education
    4. Add Skills
    5. Add Languages
  • Upload Multiple Resume
  • Apply on Jobs
  • Search Jobs
  • Job Alerts
  • Manage Applied Jobs
  • Mark Job as Favourite
  • View Favourite Jobs
  • Filter Jobs
  • View Companies to Following list
  • View Followings
  • Send Message to Candidates
  • View Messages
Employer Details:
Candidate Details:
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