
Cancellation/Refund Policy

Refund & Cancellation rules also differ depending on the types of products or services you offer. No refund policies & Cancellation are allowed for services we will provide you support

Support Requests Received via Email

Customers can email us at the email ID concerning any alleged issues of abuse related to any inconvenience The issue will be addressed by our representative in conjunction with our legal team. The customer’s emails are answered based on the severity of the issue. Depending on the issue, this may involve communication with the registered domain holder for more clarity on the issue. To make the abuse resolution process more concrete, complaints will be tracked. All reports must be applicable so that we will be able to resolve the issue within the time frame. Codexpool strives to resolve the complaints as soon as possible.

Support Requests Received via Telephone

Customers who wish to place an alleged complaint/issues of abuse related to any script purchased with through telephone can call us at “phone number”. When the complaint is placed, it will addressed by our representative in conjunction with our legal team. The customer’s grievance tickets are answered based on the severity of the issue. Depending on the issue, this may involve communication with the registered domain holder for more clarity on the issue. To make the abuse resolution process more concrete, complaints will be tracked. All reports must be applicable so that we will be able to resolve the issue within the time frame. "" strives to resolve the complaints as soon as possible.

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